Your privacy is important to Tecohm LLC and their subsidiaries and affiliates in Canada and the United States (collectively, “AAO Loyals”, “we”, “us” or “our”). This Privacy Policy applies to our activities in Canada and the United States and describes our practices with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, as well as any rights you may have with respect to your personal information.

Depending on where you reside, you may have additional rights.

This Privacy Notice applies to Personal Information we obtain through our websites including, and other websites and mobile apps owned or operated by Tecohm LLC (the “Sites”), mobile apps (the “Apps”), emails, messaging, information collected when you visit social media pages we control, any other materials that link to this Privacy Notice, and other interactions with our consumers described herein. In this Privacy Notice, we refer to our Sites and Apps, and the services we offer through them as our “Services.”

1. Personal Information We Collect

We may obtain Personal Information about you when you use our Sites or Apps, visit our stores, or otherwise interact with us. “Personal information” is information that identifies, relates to, describes, or can be reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, to you as a particular individual or household. Personal Information does not include:

(i) anonymized, aggregated or deidentified information;
(ii) transaction data related to purchases at stores.
The information we obtain generally falls into four categories:
(a) Information you provide us;
(b) Information we collect through automated means,
(c) Communications with us, and
(d) Data provided by others.

(a) Information You Provide to Us

You may provide Personal Information directly to us, depending on how you interact with us. Personal information consumers provide to us often falls into one of the following categories:

  • Personal (identity) details, such as your name, postal and email addresses, phone number, and other contact information, signature, driver’s license number, Social Security number, and taxpayer identification number.
  • Profile information, such as your username or password, profile data, birthday information, preferences, demographic information (such as age or gender), products and services you like, and information about how you like to shop with us.
  • Transaction information, such as the products you buy, prices, and method of payment.
  • Financial account information, such as your credit card account details.
  • Tax Information, Withholding allowances and tax filing status.
  • Professional or employment-related Information, Information about business and employees.
  • Inferences Drawn to Create a Profile of You, Preferences, Characteristics, and behavior.
  • Commercial Information, Products and services you provide; inventory, pricing, and similar data; payment transaction details Transaction Information, Information about when and where transactions occur, names of the transacting parties, transaction descriptions, including item-level data, payment or transfer amounts, billing and shipping information, and devices and payment methods used to complete the transactions.
  • Location Data, Location data of your device; in limited circumstances, this may include precise geolocation data
  • Other Data, Information voluntarily provided to us, including survey responses or marketing forms, participation in promotions, suggestions for improvements, and referrals, and Other Personal Information you choose to provide us when you interact with us.

In addition, the Personal Information we collect depends on how you interact with us. Generally speaking, we collect Personal Information from you in the following situations:

  1. Making purchases or otherwise transacting with us for products and services, whether in our stores, online, or otherwise through our Services (such as purchases on our Sites or Apps).
  2. Joining our loyalty, rewards, or similar programs including by downloading our Apps.
  3. Participating in contests, sweepstakes and promotions.
  4. Providing feedback or participating in surveys, such as our customer insight panels.
  5. Providing information or content to us via our Services.
  6. Otherwise interacting with us or our Sites, Apps, or Services.

(b) Data Collected Automatically
We may use automated technology to collect information from your browser or mobile device when you use our Services or visit our stores (“Device Identifiable Information“). Device Identifiable Information that we collect includes:

  1. Data collected by our Sites and Apps: When you use our Site or our Apps, certain data about your web browser or mobile device are automatically collected in connection with our providing the Site or App to you. This can include your IP address, device type, device identifier or advertising identifier (or similar identifier), operating system, referring site or ad or application, online activity on other sites or apps, and information about how you use our Sites or Apps (such as the parts of the Site or App you view, click, or otherwise interact with).
  2. Data collected by cookies and similar technologies: Our Sites and Apps, as well as emails we send you, may use “cookies” or similar tracking technologies to collect information about your browser, device, and activity on our Site or App. Information cookies collect may include the information listed above under “Data collected by our Sites and Apps.”
  3. Data collected automatically in-store: When you visit our stores, certain information may be collected automatically relating to you, your device, and/or your visit, including by our Apps and by in-store technologies. For instance, our App may ask for your consent to share Bluetooth data about your device with technologies in our stores; if you consent, we may collect such Bluetooth data.

(c) Communications with Us
If you communicate with us – for instance if you contact our Customer Service Team – we may collect your name, email address, phone number, any information you provide in your initial and follow-up communications with us. If you speak with our representatives, you will be informed at the beginning of the call if the call is being recorded. Similarly, if you interact with us on social media (such as Facebook or Twitter), we may obtain your username and any information you provide in communications to us.

(d) Data provided by Others
We may obtain information about you from other companies and organizations, including inferences that may be made by such companies or organizations based on your information, such as data companies, payment processors, delivery partners, or other companies. We may also collect information that is publicly available; for example, we may receive information when you mention us on social media. Also, your friends may provide your information to us so that we can invite you to consider a product or service your friends are using.
We may combine the Personal Information you provide us with information that we obtain through other sources.  As an example, if you add a method of payment to an account in one of our Apps, we may combine that with information we receive from payment processors regarding transactions made with the same payment method in our stores.  We may also draw inferences from any of the above-listed types of Personal Information we obtain to create a profile about you that reflects your preferences and characteristics.

2. How we Uses and Shares Your Personal Information

We may use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  1. To facilitate your registration for and use of Services
  2. To operate and provide the Services, and improve and update the same
  3. To provide and improve customer service
  4. To improve Services and provide new products and services
  5. To respond to your questions, inquiries, requests, or other reasons for contacting us
  6. To provide you with information and updates regarding your use of the Services
  7. To fulfill our legal obligations and to protect and defend its rights, including in Intellectual Property
  8. To protect the personal safety of users, customers, and the public
  9. To help protect our and your assets and prevent fraud
  10. To send company news, updates, and other related Personal Information
  11. To contact you regarding specials, offers, and new products or services that we believe may be of interest to you
  12. To Operate our business, including by providing our Services, Site, Apps, our programs, in-store technologies and experiences, and our other products and services to you; and by processing your transactions, orders, or purchases, and maintaining your account(s) with us; identify and validate your device(s); manage and administer our business; or report on or assess the effectiveness of our operations or any other business activities.

We may also use information not linked to any individual to provide analytics, improve services, and issue promotions, among other uses.
A “sale” of Personal Information under certain laws includes the exchange of Personal Information with a third party for not just monetary consideration but also other valuable considerations. Based on this definition of “sale”, some of our interactions with third parties may be considered a “sale” under applicable law. However, we only “sell” Personal Information in an aggregated manner, and do not “sell” Personal Information at the individual user level. We do not “sell” your first name, last name, phone number, or account username.
“Sharing” means providing Personal Information to a third party for purposes of cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration. We “share” certain Personal Information with third parties as defined under applicable law. We also disclose certain Personal Information to third parties for the purposes of “targeted advertising” as defined by applicable law. However, we do not “share” your first name, last name, phone number, or account username.

  • Other Disclosures of Your Personal Information:We may disclose Personal Information with third parties for any purpose described in Section 2 above (“How We Use Personal Information”). The categories of third parties who receive Personal Information are generally as follows:We may disclose certain Personal Information we collect about you to our current and future parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership.Service Providers and Business Partners. We disclose certain Personal Information, including to vendors, consultants and other service providers who help with our business operations (“Service Providers”) (such as payment processing, web hosting, operations of our Sites or Apps, product and order fulfillment, delivery or shipment, research, IT, consumer requests management, direct mail and email distribution, analytics and insights, fraud detection and investigation, bill collection, or legal and compliance services). Similarly, we may share data with Business Partners that assist us in providing Services or programs to you, such as social media networks that may facilitate your ability to participate in Loyalty Programs and/or provide advertisements based on your interests (“Business Partners”).Compliance, Legal Claims, or with Government Agencies. We may disclose Personal Information collected about you for complying with, making claims relating to, or enforcing legal rights or obligations, legal process, our policies, government requests, or prudent security or business practices. This can result in disclosing your Personal Information to law enforcement, governmental agencies, or authorized third parties, for instance in response to a verified request relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity or any other activity that may expose us, you, or any other user to legal liability, or if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or required by, any applicable law or legal process, including lawful requests by public authorities to meet national security or law enforcement requirements;In Connection with a Change of Control. We may transfer or disclose your Personal Information in connection with, or during negotiations concerning, any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company or other business transaction.After Notice to you, or with your Direction or Consent. We may disclose your Personal Information with your direction or consent, or after providing appropriate notice to you. As an example, if you click on social sharing features on our Services (such as a “Like” button), you are directing information about you to be shared with a social media platform.

3. Your Personal Information Rights and Choices

Depending on your state of residence, you may be entitled to rights around the collection and processing of your Personal Information. These rights vary by jurisdiction, but may include the right to:

  • Know the Personal Information that is collected and for what purposes and from what source it is collected; and to know what Personal Information may be shared, to whom it was shared with, and for what purpose
  • Access, modify, correct, or delete your Personal Information, and to receive your Personal Information in a format that is easily readable
  • Opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information and data processing for targeted advertising, and to withdraw consent where applicable
  • Object to decisions based on profiling or automated decision-making that produce legal or similarly significant effects on you
  • Restrict processing or to object to processing carried out pursuant to (i) our legitimate interest or (ii) performance of a task in the public interest
  • Appeal the decisions we make regarding the processing of your Personal Information
  • Control the receipt of certain optional, non-service-related communications from us by unsubscribing to these communications

To exercise any applicable right, please contact us through one of the methods listed below under “Contact Information”.

4. Children’s Privacy

Our Services – including our Site and Apps – are not intended for individuals under the age of sixteen (16). We do not knowingly collect or process Personal Information from our Services from users under the age of sixteen (16). We do not have actual knowledge that we have sold the Personal Information of consumers we know are less than sixteen (16) years of age.

Please note that some Services, Loyalty Programs, promotions, contests, or portions or features of them, may only be available to individuals who are 16, 18, or 21 years old or older. The terms and conditions applicable to the specific Service, Loyalty Program, or contest or promotion will inform you of whether you must be a specific age to participate.

5. Security

We have implemented administrative, technical, and physical security controls that are designed to safeguard your Personal Information. However, while We strives to protect your Personal Information, it cannot guarantee that your Personal Information is absolutely secure because there are security and privacy limitations inherent to the Internet which are beyond our control. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any Personal Information to us and exercise personal care and responsibility to secure your Personal Information.

6. Third Party Products

We partner with third parties to provide specific services, products, offers, and promotions to customers (collectively, “Third Party Products”). When a user signs up for Third Party Products, we may share names and other contact Personal Information that is necessary for the third party to provide the Third-Party Products. These parties may not process or disclose Personal Information except for the purpose of providing Third Party Products. You should expect that your data will be processed under the third party’s privacy policy.

7. Links to Third Party Sites

Our Services may contain links or plugins to other websites, including our affiliated or co-branded web sites. Other websites may also reference or link to our Services. These other websites are not controlled by us. When you click third-party links to such other sites and services (including by means of clicking on hyperlinks, logos, widgets, banners or advertisements), you become subject to their terms of use and privacy policies. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our Services to read the privacy policies of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. We do not endorse, screen or approve, and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other websites or mobile applications.

8. Cookies

We may use “cookies” and similar technologies to personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your device. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are designed as a convenience tool to allow you to tell the server that you have returned to a specific page. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Services.

9. Location of Services

We are based in the United States. We collect, process and store information in the United States and other countries, subject to the terms of this Privacy Notice. If you use our Services, your information may be collected, stored, or otherwise processed in the United States or other countries where our Service Providers operate. This may mean your Personal Information is collected in a country, or transferred to a country, that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as the country where you live. If so, your Personal Information will be subject to the laws of the country in which it is collected and/or to which it is transferred.

10. Updates to the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is effective as of the date noted at the top of this page.  We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time and, if we do, we will post the revised version here and update the effective date above.  This Privacy Notice replaces any earlier versions.  We may also provide additional notice or information about changes at our discretion or as required under applicable law.  You should check this page regularly for the most up-to-date version of the Privacy Notice.

11. Special Notice to California Residents

If you are a California resident, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your Personal Information by us to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us through one of the channels listed below under “Contact Information.”

Contact Information

Tecohm LLC welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy.
Please contact us at: Tecohm LLC, 1553 Lynwood dr, Lancaster, Sc 29720
Or via email at: